Participating in a clinical trial

Participating in a clinical trial

Participating in a clinical trial

Many people consider participating in a clinical trial as their own way of living a healthier and medically active life for themselves. They think so as being a crucial part of any clinical trial can actually bring them closer to the cure of a certain disease that they might have, or a disease that might be running in the family bloodline.

How do researchers decide who will participate?

A huge number of volunteers are often screened before the beginning of any clinical trial. Generally, a volunteer can participate in only one Clinical trial; Patient based study or BA/BE study at a time. This is followed because different clinical trials require their own set of requirements or criteria of inclusion.

The criteria that are usually given while including people in any clinical trial revolves around their age, stage of disease (if any), sex, genetic profile, history of their family, and whether or not they have any study partner that can accompany them in their future visits to the center. The main factors of excluding any volunteer from a trial can be either their specific health conditions or any of their specific medications that can affect and interfere with the test treatment during the study.

After the participant signs the given contract and agrees to be screened, he/she is carefully analyzed and screened by a skilled clinical staff member. The screening procedure can involve either cognitive or physical tests, or sometimes even both of these. The screening procedure is extremely crucial to any clinical trial, and hence it is given foremost importance by scientists and researchers all over the world.

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